
 Four students will be conducting biomaterials-related research this summer

康科德,N.H. (2022年6月23日) – Five Community College of New Hampshire (CCSNH) students have been selected for the NH BioMade (Undergraduate Research 培训 (URT) program. Four have accepted and will spend the summer conducting biomaterials-related research.

冰球突破豪华版试玩(GBCC)的学生尼克·米克森, 梅森雅克 and 4周 along with Manchester Community College (MCC) student Gwendolyn Tupman will receive $600 per week to work with a faculty mentor as a member of a research team. This is the fourth year that CCSNH students have been invited and grant funding through the NH BioMade p程序, explore a pathway to the rapidly growing, 高工资的生物制造业劳动力.

“These are particularly powerful experiences for recent CCSNH graduates, boosting their scientific skills and knowledge in the summer just prior to transfer,”医生说。. Leslie Barber, GBCC professor of biological science and CCSNH faculty fellow. “By choosing a research experience at the institution they plan to attend, students can also build connections with faculty and other students. 一次又一次, we have seen how these prior connections ease the transfer experience and contribute to later student success. But whether transferring or returning to CCSNH to complete their degree, all of our participants benefit from the boost of confidence and insight that comes from this experience with professional scientific research.”

The New Hampshire Center for Multiscale Modeling and Manufacturing of 生物材料 (NH BioMade) program is led by UNH, 与达特茅斯学院合作, CCSNH, 基恩州立学院和曼彻斯特大学. Its goal is to advance the design and manufacture of biomaterials and develop the knowledge to predict and control their composition, 结构, 属性, 和功能. 通过一个“模型”来完成, 制定和衡量“系统级研究方法”, NH BioMade supports New Hampshire’s biomaterials industry through knowledge generation, 学术-产业研究伙伴关系, 劳动力发展, enabling rapid advancement in biomaterials design and manufacturing. 生物材料, such as those used in implants and tissue engineering are the focus for NH BioMade research in areas of composites for orthopedics, 创伤固定用金属板, scaffolds for tissue regeneration and 结构s for biosensor applications.

The specific projects in which CCSNH URT students will be participating are:

尼克•将 from Rochester and a current student in the Chemistry program at GBCC, 会和徐元赫合作吗, assistant professor of biotechnology at UNH Manchester on the “Peptide Hydrogels for 3D Printing of Human STEM Cells” project.

梅森雅克, from Rochester and a recent graduate of GBCC with an associate degree in Engineering Science, 会和凯蒂·希克森一起工作吗, assistant professor of engineering at Dartmouth College on the “Assessing the Feasibility of Integrating 3-D Printing and Polymer Scaffolds” project. Jacques is transferring to UNH in the fall to study Mechanical Engineering in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (CEPS).

4周, from Portsmouth and a graduate of GBCC with an associate degree in Biology, 和Nate Oldenhuis合作, assistant professor of chemistry at UNH on the “Development of pDNA-Based Molecules” project. Weeks will be transferring to the Bioengineering program at UNH CEPS this fall.

格温多林Tupman, from Pembroke and a recent graduate of MCC with an associate degree in Life Sciences, 会和李林清一起工作吗, assistant professor of chemical engineering at UNH on the “Developing a Vascularized 3D Tumor Model to Screen Drugs for Cancer Treatment” project. Tupman will be transferring to UNH Manchester in the fall, to study Biotechnology.

除了URT项目, 转学CCSNH学生有资格申请$10,000 in scholarship funding ($5000/year for up to two years) to complete a baccalaureate degree in a major that relates directly to the research objectives of NH BioMade

NH BioMade is funded through the National Science Foundation’s E生根 P程序, Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR). In previous years many of the CCSNH URT students have gone on to be awarded transfer scholarships to continue their education.


The Community College System of NH consists of seven colleges, 提供副学士学位和证书课程, 专业培训, 转学到四年制学位, 以及与新罕布什尔州高中建立双学分合作关系. The System’s colleges are 冰球突破豪华版试玩 in Portsmouth and Rochester; Lakes Region Community College in Laconia; Manchester Community College; Nashua Community College; NHTI – Concord’s Community College; River Valley Community College in Claremont, Lebanon and Keene; and White Mountains Community College in Berlin, 利特尔顿和北康威.  The seven community colleges in the system are committed to working with businesses throughout the state to train and retain employees to develop a robust workforce across all sectors and embraces the “65 by 25 Initiative,” which calls for 65% of NH citizens to have some form of postsecondary education by 2025 to meet future workforce demands.