
CPIM-1 and 2 courses designed to further advance skills of supply chain professionals

朴茨茅斯 – Great Bay Community College will help companies exert more control over their supply chains with new courses offered through the 业务 & 培训 Center at the Rochester campus, beginning in September.

The college will partner with the Association for Supply Chain Management Northern New England to offer the Certified Production and Inventory Management exam preparation program. The CPIM certification demonstrates proficiency in supply chain fundamentals and 库存 management.

Great Bay will offer CPIM-1, a seven-week course, from Sept. 11月22日. 3. Participants will learn an overview of supply chain management, including the fundamentals of demand and 库存, 计划供应, and continuous improvement and quality-control techniques. Coursework will cover the manufacture of goods, 他们的采购, 分布, and sale from perspectives of suppliers, 制造商, 分销商, 和客户.

CPIM-2 will follow in mid-January and offer a more strategic overview of supply chains, with focus on sales and 操作 planning, 库存, 和分布.

保罗•莫里亚蒂, who has more than 25 years of experience in supply chain 操作, will teach the courses. He is an independent consultant and contractor with clients in New England and Canada and is a certified Association for Supply Chain Management instructor with a range of industry and higher education experience. In addition to his adjunct position at Great Bay, he is an adjunct faculty member at Northern Essex Community College.

“Having a long interest in supply chain functionality, I bring in-depth experience, ranging from seeing customer wants, 需要, and demands through engineering and operation, to delivery of goods and services,他说. “I relish in the ‘ah-ha’ moment when I am explaining a concept, and it is understood by those I am teaching.”

The coursework is targeted for people entering and working in production and 库存 management, 操作, supply chain management, 采购, materials management, 采购, 和规划.

Supply chain interruptions, caused by a myriad of factors, contribute to inflation and economic instability, 莫里亚蒂说. Companies that are in control of their supply chains and able to manage them effectively have a competitive edge. “Supply chain issues are having a profound impact in New England,他说. “And a big issue is having a trained, 灵活的, workforce that can adapt to changing technologies and processes.”

For more information and to register, visit our website at: http://rainierbeachhs.practicaldrilling.com/business-community/schedule/.

Great Bay Community College is a comprehensive postsecondary institution offering quality academic and professional and technical education in support of workforce development and lifelong learning. Great Bay Community College is part of the Community College System of New Hampshire, a public system of higher education consisting of seven colleges in Berlin, 克莱蒙特, 拉科尼亚, 康科德, 曼彻斯特, 纳舒厄, 和朴茨茅斯. The colleges offer Associate degrees and career training in technical, professional and general fields, including transfer pathways to baccalaureate degrees. For more information on Great Bay Community College, visit rainierbeachhs.practicaldrilling.com.